Tag Archives: Arcade Fire

The Music That Maketh Video

8 Aug

Last week I had a really enjoyable meeting with my SMEs concerning a training video that I had created for a new application which is rolling out in 2 weeks. First of all, the SMEs loved the video. Ok, the video was a little long, but they thought the concept worked well. For me that was great news, some tighter editing and the video would be ready to go.
However, one comment in the meeting left me in a tailspin; “what about some music?” “Music?” I replied, “Does this video need background music?” The answer was a definite yes. “What kind of music?” I asked. “Something upbeat and exciting,” replied one of the SMEs. The other SME chimed in with, “it has to represent the application and how people will feel about it.” Hmmm … this was a challenge. First, I had to find music that was suitable for the video, be reflective of the application, and would appeal to the target market (its users). Second, this music needed to be royalty-free.
A number of hours later, replaying the video against the audio background of my ipod’s varied musical styles, I have found the piece of music required.
The only problem now, is to find similar music that is royalty-free and syncs perfectly with the video. Any suggestions on where to find an Arcade Fire-esque alt-rock uplifting royalty-free piece of music are more than welcome.